
A do-it-yourself Persian transliteration dictionary.

Add and search for words to help yourself learn!

Learning a language is difficult, especially when the language itself is in a non-Latin character set. At present, I don't have the time to properly learn Persian, but I would like to learn how to speak it. Unfortunately, the major Persian-English dictionaries I've been able to find merely provide a standard translation, without any hint as to how to actually pronounce the Persian words.

FinglishDict is my solution. At its core, this app is just a simple reference list for user-added English words, their Persian transliterations, and a pronunciation guide for each. The idea is that you can add your own words to it to keep track, and refer back whenever you need to remember something.

Of course, the major limitation is that you either need a friend who speaks Persian to help you out, or you have to go back and forth between an English-Persian dictionary and Google ...

At that point, why bother with the app at all?

That's where ChatGPT comes in. In addition to adding your own words, FinglishDict utilizes the ChatGPT API to provide transliterations from ChatGPT on demand. The accuracy is about 60%, which is why this app remains in deveopment for now. But I've already found my beta version of the app very helpful in cataloguing the Persian words I've been learning so far.

Full Feature List

  • Add words manually by entering your English word, the transliteration, and how to pronounce it
  • Alternatively, ask ChatGPT to provide a transliteration for you (paid API credits required)
  • If ChatGPT provides an incorrect transliteration, you can ask it to try again right away
  • Choose between GPT-3.5 and GPT-4
  • Use the search function to find words you've already added
  • Use the highlight feature to easily distinguish between words you've added vs. words transliterated by ChatGPT
  • Export your dictionary to JSON or import existing JSON dictionaries (base dictionary for download coming soon!)